Toledo Water Update: It’s Safe, But It’s…uh…Green

Good Evening Toledo!

Have you seen your drinking water today? WTOL has, and they brought back this image for your nightmares:

Lake Erie 8.4.14 Source: WTOL News 11

Lake Erie on August 4, 2014
Source: WTOL News 11.  Full video here: Lake Erie Today

So, our water is technically drinkable, which is lovely. And maybe it’s not dangerous to consume melted Wicked Witch of the West. But what are the odds we have to do all this again in a few months? Or even weeks? Like the government shutdown of vital natural resources.

Please keep calling and/or emailing your congressmen! Demand long-term solutions that protect our great lake (get it?) for generations.

Tell them Toledo deserves better than “not poisonous.”


I’ll make it really, really easy: Here is every Ohio representative by county and their phone numbers:

(If you click on a person’s name, you are taken to their personal page which also provides their email address)

And here’s every Ohio state senator and THEIR phone numbers/email addresses:

Reminder: Be polite to the poor interns taking your call. They aren’t getting paid. They should be getting paid. Whole other blog post.

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