A Vocal Gun Rights Supporter Just Murdered His Kids. What Does This Mean?

Updated Wednesday, August 12, 2015, at 9:30 am EST

This past Sunday, Shawn Fuller got drunk, fought with his wife, then grabbed a gun and murdered his two young sons in their own living room.

Local news reported that Fuller and his wife kept the gun in their home “for protection.” And “there is no evidence the couple had a permit to have the weapon.

According to his Facebook page, Shawn Fuller is a strong supporter of the NRA and many other pro-gun groups, such as Cold Dead Hands and the now-infamous Oath Keepers. He posted pro-gun arguments all over his page, and neighbors said he often had friends over to shoot in the backyard.


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Video posted to Fuller’s Facebook page

Clearly, sharing political opinions with a murderer does not imply anything about other gun rights activists. Hell, Fuller’s page is also pro medical marijuana – so he and I share at least one belief too.

The issue is that pro-gun arguments made by Fuller are the exact same arguments made by staunch conservative gun owners across America.

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So how do we know who’s who? How do we know, without strict background checks & mental health records, the difference between regular 2nd Amendment supporters and likely criminals?

The answer is: without common sense checks, we can’t tell the difference.


Photo from Facebook

Last week, Shawn Fuller was a good guy with a gun.

This past Saturday, Shawn Fuller was a good guy with a gun.

Then, on Sunday, Shawn Fuller got drunk and killed his kids.

Boom. Now he’s a murderer whose actions couldn’t have been anticipated or prevented. How is that possible?

The only thing that changed was that Fuller committed murder. But suddenly he’s always been a crazy outlier?

How do I know that all the good guys with guns I debate on a regular basis aren’t just like Shawn Fuller on Saturday?
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What’s the difference between a good guy with a gun and a guy charged with murder? Often, it’s one moment of weakness.

Or rage. Or drunkenness. Or panic.

This doesn’t mean everyone should give up their guns. It means guns are too powerful a tool to go totally unregulated.

Some people are more prone to moments of weakness or rage than others. And there are ways to distinguish those individuals.

Moderate laws – like a background check system without loopholes, and restrictions on those with severe mental illnesses (ex: schizophrenia) – are simply logical.

And 90% of Americans agree.

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You know what else 90% of Americans have in common? Concerns about ISIS, and overly salty diets. That’s about it.

90% of the population clearly includes many gun owners as well, which makes sense. Reasonable gun laws allow the average gun owner to prove they pose no threat to society, without giving up any freedoms.

Of course, we will never prevent every shooting death. Sometimes, without any warning, people just snap. But we can prevent a lot of shootings with basic checks, and every single life is precious.


So why haven’t we fixed our gun laws? Because we aren’t yet angry enough to stand up to the NRA & the powerful, wealthy gun lobby.

Will we ever be angry enough? Yes. But what will it take? I hate thinking about the answer.

You know what eventually shifted the nation’s opinion on gay marriage? Over the years, as it slowly became more acceptable to come out as gay, more and more people were forced to confront the issue, because it affected people they loved.

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One of my deepest fears is this:

Like gay marriage, gun control will happen when so many Americans have been personally affected by gun violence that they’re forced to rethink this issue too.

Finding Peace Here

Our Front Door


I watched four people die this weekend, four people. Sounds horrifying right? Well, it is.

Surely these people must have been sweet little 90 year olds, who lived long happy lives, drifting quietly off into the night surrounded by family they love. Well, that is not my story, in fact, that’s never my story. My story is filled with people who woke up, got dressed, and started their day, just like you and I, having no idea that it would be their last.

The room above looks so benign, shiny and new, full of promise and cutting edge medical equipment, ready for whatever may roll through the doors. Exactly what you would want if you were the one lying in the bed. But, there is much more here than meets the eye. So many things, things that can’t be seen by those who haven’t stood in this place time and…

View original post 637 more words

Leader of Texas “Open Carry” Group Proves We Need Common Sense Gun Laws


Photo: 5/29/14, in Haltom City, TX (AP Photo/Tony Gutierrez)


That’s Kory Watkins – Leader of Open Carry Tarrant County in Texas.

Open Carry Texas has publicly distanced itself from him. 

Gun owners across the country have declared furiously on social media that he’s making them all look bad.

Bob Owens – Editor of BearingArms.com – has called Kory the “single most effective advocate for gun control in the United States.

Bob might be correct – but no one is thinking about why.

Kory Watkins demonstrates perfectly the need for common sense, middle ground gun laws.

And maybe he can be the reason we come together to make them happen.


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/IHpBA

Kory is not the average gun owner. Most gun owners are good, mentally healthy, law-abiding citizens without arrest records or histories of threats or violence.

But Kory has an arrest record (for interfering with a police officer – he does that a lot. A lot.).

He often uses social media to talk armed takeover of the government, and he has recently posted video of himself online threatening the lives of government officials who vote against open carry laws in Texas (2:00 & 2:25).

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So why does Kory still own guns? And how did he get those guns in the first place?

Gun owners are rightly frustrated when gun control activists lump them all together.

It is wrong and utterly ridiculous to assume that anyone defending the right to own and carry firearms is a crazy person.

However, when we don’t even have a system capable of flagging a guy who consistently makes threats and interferes with police as someone who probably shouldn’t be in possession of firearms…we’ve got a problem.

How are we supposed to feel confident that the gun owners we meet are the good guys?

how to tell difference

How can we be sure that guns are only being sold to mentally stable individuals when we see proof that people like Kory also have easy access?

Gun owners should support common sense laws like a fully funded, fully-staffed, background check system – with mental health checks and without loopholes (loophole examples: online sales, personal sales, gun show sales).

It would make arguing that you’re one of the good guys with guns a hell of a lot easier.

Gun rights activists are correct – Kory isn’t like most gun owners. He makes them all look bad. But Kory still exists. And he still owns guns.

And Kory also isn’t the only gun owner who acts the way he does.


Death threat image – used as cover photo for the Facebook group “Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America Is A Fraud”

If we all agree to support laws such as one that would fix our broken background check system, maybe we can weed out some of the people who make all gun owners look bad.

If we keep giving people like Kory (and Veronica Dunnachie, and Byron Williams, and the people who threatened one lawmaker to the point of needing a security detail, and the people who sent death threats to gun dealers who wanted to sell smart guns…) easy access to firearms, it’s going to be a lot harder to argue that most gun owners are good.

or that good guys with guns are keeping us safe.

or that the existing background check system is regulation enough.

Well-written gun control laws would not take rights from law-abiding citizens. There is a middle ground. 


It’s time for good guys with guns to help us prevent as many bad guys as possible from getting guns – if only to protect the good guy reputation.

The Most Powerful Moment from the “Justice For All” March was Completely Unplanned


For me, the most powerful moment from the national “Justice For All” march was completely unplanned.

While one of the victims’ relatives was speaking to the crowd, a young white man in front of me began shouting and harassing protestors.

He was clearly trying to make the protest turn violent.

A young African American protestor became angry and approached the heckler, ready to fight. The two began threatening each other’s lives.

It was a scary moment.

It was the sort of moment when you realize how riots begin.

Passions were understandably high, and rational people could have easily lost their composure.

However, without missing a beat, 40-50 protestors – mostly African American – jumped in and pulled the two apart.

They reminded the young protestor that we were there for peaceful demonstration.

They told him he would hurt the cause if he gave in to the temptation for violence.

The young man relaxed, and the heckler realized he wasn’t going to be successful.

No matter which side of this complicated issue you’re on, remember: The violence you’re seeing on TV does not encompass the spirit of the movement.

Man On The Ground

There are real arguments to be made, and there are rational, intelligent people making them.

Darrien Hunt

Failing Legal System

For every violent protestor, there are 50 making their arguments with passionate rhetoric and civil demonstration.

Sharpton Leads National "Justice For All" March In Washington DC


Peaceful protests just don’t make very good TV.


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/FSlQx

What Men Don’t Understand About Street Harassment

Updated October 30, 2014 1:45 pm EST

I’ll admit, this realization evolved from a major fight with the man I love. I showed him a video that’s been making the rounds on social media. You know the one.

The video depicts a woman walking silently through New York City, experiencing consistent harassment from men on the street.

I expected my boyfriend’s response to be, “Holy s**t, that’s what your life is like every day?! I am so sorry. I had no idea!”

Instead, he seemed confused at my passion on the subject.

Some of the men in the video take things way too far, he admitted. Making sexual comments to a woman on the street is disgusting. But what’s wrong with the men saying hello? Or asking her how she’s doing?


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/DzkiP


My boyfriend is a good man. He respects me and cherishes my intellect. He views me as an absolute equal. And he would NEVER call out to a woman on the street. So where the hell was this opinion coming from?

I’ll admit again, my first reaction was anger.

But then we started talking.

I thought it would be enough to simply explain how often this sort of street harassment occurs (every single #%$&% day).

It’s true; men don’t seem to harass women when they’re walking with other men. Maybe it’s a sign of respect for the man. Maybe it’s because street harassers actually think they have a chance at dating/sleeping with women who walk alone…who knows.


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/Dzjjb

Whatever the reason, most men (at least those I’ve spoken with) don’t witness catcalling very often, so they don’t understand how often it happens.

I thought the only problem was that men don’t understand the sheer amount of street harassment women experience every day. But I was wrong.

This issue strikes at a fundamental difference in the way men and women view the world.


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/Dzghu

Let me use our post-fight discussion to demonstrate.

Good Guy Point #1: Most people are good.

Most men view themselves as regular, kind-hearted, non-creepy individuals. They aren’t dangerous, and they don’t intend to be perceived as such. Do you just assume all men on the street are out to harm you? Isn’t that exhausting?


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/DznWM

Response (which women need to do a better job explaining): How do we know you’re a good guy?

Women are taught to be on constant alert. Don’t walk around alone at night. Don’t ever listen to music or talk on the phone –- it makes you look like an easy target, because your guard is down. This is how we’re taught to live our daily lives. 

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to tell a man’s intentions just by looking at him. In this scenario, all I know about you is that you are a strange man on the street, and you are calling out to a woman walking by herself.

Of course the creep saying, “Hey baby” is going to be scarier than the dude asking how we’re doing. But either way, you’re still a stranger on the street. And you have no apparent reason to talk to us, other than the fact that we are young women walking alone.

Sidebar: there’s got to be a certain comfort level in walking down the street knowing – even subconsciously – that you are physically larger than a significant portion of the human population. If someone messes with you, you could – hypothetically – handle yourself in a physical altercation. Many women don’t have the luxury of such comfort. Awareness, for us, is key.

Good Guy Point #2: What if a guy is just trying to be nice?

Why does everything men do have to be construed as sexual? Why is, “How’s it going?” in the same category as, “Hey sexy baby?”


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/DzpnC

Response (which women need to do a better job explaining): If you’re talking to us on the street, it’s sexual.

Let’s be honest. You aren’t talking to that nice old lady, or that middle-aged dude. You’re talking to us. With no logical reason to do so. So if you’re calling out to us on the street, it doesn’t matter what you say – we all know why you’re saying it.

Good Guy Point #3: Men are taught that they have to initiate all interactions.

Men are expected to approach women at bars and at parties. Men are expected to call first, message first online, and ask for that first date. Why is it wrong for a man to start a conversation with a woman? Isn’t that what we’re supposed to do?


Photo Credit: http://ow.ly/Dzl6E

Response (which women need to do a better job explaining): That’s fair. It’s all about the situation, really.

If you’re both stuck in line at the grocery store behind the slowest human alive, it’s acceptable to turn to the attractive women behind you and make a joke. The two of you are sharing an experience. It makes sense that you could interact.

Asking a stranger walking down the street how her day is going, however, is 100% different.

So…what’s the takeaway? 

  1. Street harassment is a real problem that we, as a society, need to address.
  1. When a good person disagrees with you, there’s a reason. Anger doesn’t solve anything.
  1. Sometimes we think we’re explaining our point of view perfectly clearly, when we haven’t even taken the time to understand why someone else has a different opinion in the first place.
  1. Hopefully this post will help a few women explain to a few men why all types of street harassment are such a big deal.
  1. Something about men being from Mars.

A Christian Argument For Physician Assisted Death

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Photo from personal collection

Updated 1:30 pm EST 10/12/14

I have watched a lot of people die.

After college, I spent nearly two years providing patient care in the emergency department of a Level 1 trauma center. Today, I work with hospice patients, offering comfort to those who have 6 months or less to live.

I am also blessed with a big, loving, Catholic family. Our faith has played a major role in shaping each of us throughout the years.


In fact, it’s safe to say religion has played a major role in every aspect of my life.

Yet I firmly believe in the right of our terminally ill to die with dignity.

Many of the recent arguments against physician assisted death have been religious ones. Though it’s wonderful to see most protestors stating their positions with love and respect, I want to clearly express that religious individuals can and do support Death with Dignity laws.

While training to work with the terminally ill, you’re taught to give patients as much control over their lives as you can. Do they want to sit in the bed or the chair today? Do they want to listen to music or watch a movie?


Photo credit: http://ow.ly/CAcmb

These minor choices allow ailing patients to feel as though they have a say in the last moments of their lives. Options are a small comfort – and comfort is our main goal when caring for those transitioning from life into death.

Humanity now possesses the ability to give our terminally ill a truly meaningful choice – the choice to go peacefully to God before their suffering reaches its peak.

Through the gift of scientific knowledge, we can allow our dying to choose the sort of death that is the most peaceful and comforting option for themselves and for their loved ones.

The gift of peace. The gift of comfort. Why would we ever deny the right to such blessings?

“Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it” (Proverbs 3:27).

Photo from personal collection

Photo from personal collection

Of course, the decision to end one’s life peacefully before a disease completes its course is not for everyone – nor should it be.

Some believe God wants us to wait until we’re taken naturally. Others want to spend every available minute with their loved ones, even if it means enduring additional suffering. All of these beliefs and decisions are valid.

We may know what is best for ourselves, but we cannot assume to know what God requests of others.

“Therefore let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother” (Romans 14:13).

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Photo from personal collection

I also believe strongly that scientific knowledge is a gift. God has given us intelligence, which we can use to ease suffering and improve the world around us.

“As for these…God gave them learning and skill in all literature and wisdom” (Daniel 1:17).

“Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them” (Romans 12:6).

We can take comfort in the realization that human knowledge is being used to ease suffering and provide options to those who have very few left.

I can’t fault anyone who wants to cling to their last earthly moments with a loved one. I know for a fact that I do the exact same thing when faced with similar circumstances.

When the time comes for us to discuss physician assisted death with a loved one, we are free to express any concerns we have about their potential decision. Perhaps such a choice is not best for our family.

However, we must remember: this it is not our decision to make for those whose lives we do not know.


Photo credit: http://ow.ly/CAeCq

Unfortunately, our wish to hold on to our loved ones for as long as possible is often a selfish desire. Our longing is born out of love, but it might not be what’s best for the person who is dying.

In fact, I have known many families who suffer less when a loved one goes quickly.

These families are comforted by the knowledge that the death was not drawn out or filled with excessive suffering.

If a dying person is mentally capable of consulting loved ones and choosing to die with dignity (and I do believe a healthy cognitive state should be required in these cases), then we must have faith that the decision was good for those involved.

It is not our right to claim to know God’s plan for others.

It is not our right to take from others the ability to shorten suffering, even if we believe the path we would choose is best.

I’m grateful that we have the intelligence to debate these important issues. I’m grateful for the knowledge that everyone sharing their opinion is speaking from a place of love for those who are suffering.

Please consider this post when the time comes for your state to decide whether to allow terminally ill patients to die with dignity.

There is no cause more important than one that offers peace to those who suffer.

There’s Nothing Wrong With You. Robin Williams Was Depressed Too.


Robin Williams died by suicide.

It doesn’t make sense. He made literally millions of people happy. How could he have been so sad?

This immensely talented, universally beloved, staple of American culture suffered from depression. If it can happen to him, it can happen to anyone. And it does.

There is no shame in admitting it’s happening to you.

Check the news right now. Check Facebook and Twitter. America is mourning Robin Williams – because he made their lives better without knowing he was doing it. Don’t you wish he would have realized how important he was? That’s how your loved ones feel about you.

If you’re depressed, tell someone. Anyone. There are people in the world whose lives are brighter because you exist – even if you don’t see it or understand why. Let Robin Williams be that reminder for you.

You can call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline literally 24/7: 1-800-273-8255

You can find help for loved ones at http://www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

You can do it. You are not alone. As a great man portraying a great man once drilled into our heads:
“You treat a disease – you win, you lose. You treat a person – I’ll guarantee you’ll win.”

Toledo Water Update: It’s Safe, But It’s…uh…Green

Good Evening Toledo!

Have you seen your drinking water today? WTOL has, and they brought back this image for your nightmares:

Lake Erie 8.4.14 Source: WTOL News 11

Lake Erie on August 4, 2014
Source: WTOL News 11.  Full video here: Lake Erie Today

So, our water is technically drinkable, which is lovely. And maybe it’s not dangerous to consume melted Wicked Witch of the West. But what are the odds we have to do all this again in a few months? Or even weeks? Like the government shutdown of vital natural resources.

Please keep calling and/or emailing your congressmen! Demand long-term solutions that protect our great lake (get it?) for generations.

Tell them Toledo deserves better than “not poisonous.”


I’ll make it really, really easy: Here is every Ohio representative by county and their phone numbers:


(If you click on a person’s name, you are taken to their personal page which also provides their email address)

And here’s every Ohio state senator and THEIR phone numbers/email addresses:


Reminder: Be polite to the poor interns taking your call. They aren’t getting paid. They should be getting paid. Whole other blog post.

Hey Toledo, Since You Can’t Do Dishes or Laundry….

Yummy blue-green algae. Microcystin toxin is a product of an abundance of this appetizing stuff - which needs nutrients like phosphorus to grow. "...the increased presence of nutrients such as phosphorous is largely due to poor farming practices, such as high use of fertilizers and presence of livestock near water supplies - as well as effluent and run-off from towns and cities near waterways."  -NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health (CEGLHH)

Blue-green algae from a similar water crisis in China. Microcystin toxin (currently poisoning Toledo’s water) is a product of an abundance of this appetizing stuff – which uses nutrients like phosphorus to grow.
“…the increased presence of nutrients such as phosphorous is largely due to poor farming practices…as well as effluent and run-off from towns and cities near waterways.”
-NOAA Center of Excellence for Great Lakes and Human Health (CEGLHH)

So you live in a city without water.

You’re rationing sips of H2O like the end times are upon us, and everyone’s starting to smell pretty damn funky (sure, they say you can shower as long as you don’t get the water in any orifices or cuts, but screw that. I’m no daredevil).

What is there to do? You can’t wash the dishes that are piling up in the kitchen. You can’t do the laundry or take the kids swimming. Can’t even go out to eat – because boiling this poisonous sludge somehow makes the situation worse, and every restaurant in the city is closed.

So, while you’re adjusting to your new post-apocalyptic lifestyle, maybe you could take a few minutes to call and/or email your local congressmen.
Tell them they better either distribute bottled water outside random high schools for the rest of eternity, or pass a few $%&(@! environmental-protection bills so we can go back to life as it once was.

Oh look, I found a list of every Ohio representative by county and their phone numbers:


(If you click on a person’s name, you are taken to their personal page which just so happens to provide their email address also)

OMG, and here is the list of every Ohio state senator and THEIR contact information:


Not the type of person who normally calls their congressmen?
You’re also not the type of person who normally stands in line for three hours waiting for someone to drive up from Columbus with a few ounces of that thing that gives you life.

Don’t live in Toledo? Do you want this happening in your city? Call your congressman already!


EDIT: Please be polite when you call your congressmen. The poor interns you’re talking to didn’t cause our water woes.